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时间:2022-11-25 15:48来源: 作者:阅读:

标题:Surface Ozone in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration, China: Spatial-Temporal Variations and Health Impacts

作者:Xiaoyong Liu, Jiqiang Niu, Jun Yan, Junhui Yan, Chengmei Zhao, Feng Xu, Yidan Zhang, Bingbing Zhang


DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/150460




摘要:To investigate the spatial-temporal variations and health impacts of O3 (ozone) in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration, China (CP-UA), multiple and transdisciplinary methods were employed to analyze the collected millions of O3 concentrations data. The results showed that the annual average concentration of O3 in the CP-UA reduced by 19.7% from 2017 to 2020. O3 monthly concentrations exhibited a multimodal structure and a feature of “high in summer and winter, low in spring and autumn”. In spatial distribution, the main distribution of O3 concentration was aligned in the northwest-southeast direction in the CP-UA. O3 concentrations displayed positive spatial autocorrelations. The most polluted cities were distributed in northern CP-UA, forming a high-high (HH) agglomeration of O3 concentrations. Cities in southern CP-UA had low O3 concentrations, forming a low–low (LL) agglomeration pattern. It was estimated that the premature mortalities attributed to O3 for respiratory disease in warm months were 15, 960 per year. The premature mortalities decreased by 28.7% in 2020 compared to 2017. The rescaled range analysis suggested a declining trend of O3 concentrations and premature mortalities in the CP-UA.

关键词:ozone, central plains urban agglomeration, spatial-temporal variations, health impacts
